Joshua Lyon, Edie Windsor
A Wild and Precious Life: A Memoir
Elly Blue
C.A.T.S.: Cycling Across Time and Space: 11 Feminist Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories about Bicycling and Cats: Cycling Across Time and Space: 11 F
Daughters of the Nile
Gulf Dreams
Her Majesty's Royal Coven
Hungerheart: The Story of a Soul
Jesusdevil: The Parables
Sold Out
Joanna Russ: Novels & Stories (Loa #373): The Female Man / We Who Are about to . . . / On Strike Against God / The Complet E Alyx Stories / Other Stor
Keeping the House
Las Brujas de Su Majestad / Her Majesty's Royal Coven
Las muchachas de La Habana no tienen temor de dios. Escritoras cubanas del siglo XVIII al XXI
Margaret and the Mystery of the Missing Body
Mary and the Birth of Frankenstein
Mercury Retrograde
Michael Field's Revisionary Poetics
Mother of God
My Lesbian Novel
On Strike Against God
On Women
Perfume and Pain
Permanent Revolution: Essays
Pleasure and Efficacy: Of Pen Names, Cover Versions, and Other Trans Techniques
Pretend It's My Body: Stories
Queen B: The Story of Anne Boleyn, Witch Queen
Queer Pop: Aesthetic Interventions in Contemporary Culture
Queering SF: Readings
Rewriting Resistance: Caste and Gender in Indian Literature
River in an Ocean: Essays on Translation
The Fifth Wound
The Flash of Midnight
Grass: L.M. Montgomery's Heroines and the Pursuit of Romance
The Fragrance of Sweet
The Liminal Chrysalis: Imagining Reproduction and Parenting Futures Beyond the Binary
The Only Wonderful Things: The Creative Partnership of Willa Cather & Edith Lewis
The Shadow Cabinet
The Shutouts
The Work Wife
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